“One of the things that I will talk about that no president has talked about before is I think the dangers of contraception in this country, the sexual liberty idea and many in the Christian faith have said, you know contraception is OK. “We’ll repeal Obamacare and get rid any idea that you have to have abortion coverage or contraceptive coverage,” he said. The candidate later went on to explain that sex between a man and a woman is “special,” and even birth control is “not OK.”
“The battle we’re engaged in right now is same sex marriage, ultimately that is the very foundation of our country, the family, what the family structure is going to look like,” Santorum explained. Here is the The Raw story by David Edwards:Įarlier this week, the former Pennsylvania senator told Caffeinated Thoughts that he would be willing to “die” in the fight against marriage equality. Who would have thought Michele Bachmann would have to surrender her crown?
Now it goes without saying that the Republicans certainly have their share of lunatics, and it appears that Santorum, a Christian fanatic creationist, pro-lifer, and homophobe is now leads the pack for “most likely to be nominated” as the craziest of the bunch. Santorum is so serious he would rather die, yup, die, than to allow gay marriage. Read Time:2 Minute, 35 Second Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum is deadly serious about stopping gays from getting married.